Friday 30 September 2011

Civet Coffee猫屎咖啡

猫屎咖啡❤Civet Coffee

RM50.00 is one cup portion, mix 10g civet coffee powder into hot water and filter it. The production is limited so we can't guarantee price will remain RM50.00 forever.

 Civet Coffee Intro:

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world! It should not be a new name to coffee lover!
Its price can up to RM265 a cup. In World Expo Shanghai 2010, it has been sold for RM200 a cup. One day limited to 12 cups and don’t have enough supply!
A Romantic Shop Kopi luwak characteristic is Fresh Nutty,Vanilla,Strong almond roasted & Medium soft acidity. Ready for you to discover.

Special selection of Wild Kopi Luwak Arabica bean from Aceh, North Sumatra, with a beautiful scene and environment,free of pesticides & growth on natural semi forest plantation with black volcanic soil.
A Romantic Shop get our source from the original supplier in Indonesia. There are only 2 real supplier in Indonesia.
We are proud to introduce our self as the genuine kopi luwak supplier from Aceh (Gayo),Sumatra & this region is the original producer of kopi luwak.
Kopi Luwak is derived from the coffee eaten by Luwak in Indonesia language, or Civet in English. The bean finishes it’s journey through the digestive system, and exits. The still-intact beans are collected from the forest,then cleaned like any other coffee. Our Luwak coffee bean was harvested by animal, processes naturally by the farmer, the beans are taken carefully from the parchement one by one. We do the drying process naturally by sun drying and ready to be sold. The resulting coffee is said to be like no other. It has a rich, heavy flavor with hints of caramel or chocolate. Elegant-smooth intense deep body with low acidity.

Fragrance and Aroma   Fresh nutty & Vanilla
FlavorStrong Almond Roasted
Acidity Medium Soft
BodyStrong but Gentle
Time from flowers to be a berry9 months
Production (kg/year)500kg
Optimal rainfall100-3000mm
Altitude1100 -1300 above sea level
Soil TypesBlack soil/ soil formed of young materials are very fertile volcanic who contains micro nutriend that are important to plant
Country of OriginIndonesia
Production AreaSumatera
Caffeine Content0.8 to 1.4%
Form of SeedsFlat with a clear midline
Chracter StewAcid & Chocolate

Some Hong Kong celebrities in TVB do talk about Civet coffee, here is the screenshot from their show.
This is a real Civet Coffee..

This kind of coffee does not require to roast too much.

Because they don't want to change their original taste.
Its has strong aromatic fragrance!

And have a stinge of black chocolate fragrance.


Kopi Luwak, 相信咖啡发烧友们对这种全世界最奇特、产量最稀少、最贵最奢侈的咖啡已不再陌生了。
没错,这就是传说中的“猫屎咖啡”,也叫麝香猫咖啡,kopi luwak。
a. 2010年上海世博会上一杯12克猫屎咖啡粉制成的咖啡是RM200,一天限12杯,供不应求。
b. 在巴厘岛,一杯要200多千(20多万)印尼盾,相当于RM80多。
c. 在美国,1公斤猫屎咖啡豆高达USD 1200。在国际市场上始终在USD 1000左右。
d. 在英国,一杯要50英磅(RM265)。

   在印尼文当中“Kopi”的意思就是咖啡,“Luwak”是印尼人俗称的“麝香猫”的名字。Kopi Luwak 亦称鲁瓦克咖啡,被称为“尚存品种中最稀有的咖啡”。具体说来,这种咖啡产自印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛,这里的咖啡树生长期较长。当地有一种名叫鲁瓦克 (Luwak) 的麝香猫,喜欢吃多桨的咖啡果子,但坚硬的咖啡种籽无法消化,随粪便排出。印度尼西亚人发觉,经过麝香猫肠胃的发酵,萃取出来的咖啡豆有一种独一无二的香甜口感,即使煮过三次味道依然香醇,丰富圆润的香甜口感为其他咖啡豆无法比拟,质地晶莹剔透,毫无杂质,口感如蜜糖般甘甜,为世间极品。于是搜集麝香猫排泄物,筛滤出咖啡豆,经过彻底清洗、除臭、加工、消毒等几道工序后,泡煮来喝。严苛的采集和加工标准,使得鲁瓦克咖啡产量极少,售价高居不下,是全球最名贵的咖啡。

鲁瓦克咖啡Kopi Luwak的美味是否真与麝香猫有直接关系?科学家给出的答案是肯定的。首先,Luwak 天生是选咖啡果实的专家。它们习惯在夜间觅食,每次夜出在咖啡园中“寻宝”,凭敏锐的嗅觉,只会寻找呈枣红色的成熟咖啡果实来吃,其它不成大器的绝不下肚,所以由它排泄出来的咖啡豆全是精英。其次,Luwak 的消化液可以将咖啡豆中的蛋白质分解成非常小的颗粒,而这会加强咖啡在研磨过程中的香味。此外,Luwak 的肠道能过滤掉一些特定的蛋白质,从而减少咖啡的苦味。 研究人员表示,Kopi Luwak咖啡豆经过麝香猫肠胃的过程非常类似于对咖啡进行发酵时的湿加工过程,而在这两个过程中起关键作用的都是乳酸菌。

产量 (公斤/年)500 公斤
最适宜的雨量100 -3000mm
高度1100 -1300 海平线
咖啡因0.8 - 1.4%