Sunday 2 October 2011

Foot Patch Detox & Slimming负离子足贴排毒瘦身

Foot Patch Detox & Slimming❤负离子足贴排毒瘦身

RM38.00 per Box (Buy 4 FREE 1)
RM38.00 一盒 (买4送1)
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch combines natural extract from the mother earth with high technology method. It helps expel toxins in the body easily. It just takes one day to see results, detox foot patch will turn to black after one day of usage and will subsequently turn to lighter tone after a few times of usage.(Colour tone vary based on the amount of toxins in your body.)
A Romantic Shop排毒足贴透过高科技,结合了多种树夜精华和天然成分。它可以轻松地通过足底穴位将体内不良物质排出。只需一天就会发现排毒足贴吸收了毒素,足贴变成黑灰随毒素减少成为褐色状。A Romantic Shop 排毒足贴也释放负离子,让身体吸收,达到身心健康的效果而且没有副作用。

A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch main functions:
  • Promotes better sleep, improves constipation, body gas and better body figure.
  • Expel body toxins, purify blood , cure hemorrhoids, skin pigments and body odors.
  • Expel body moist, decrease the pressure of feet and joints.
  • Rejuvenate body cells, improve skin texture.
  • Harmonize body organs function and stabilize blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat.
Negative Ions helps:
  • Maintains a healthy immune system.
  • Reduce restlessness and lethargy.
  • Help you stay focus and improve productivity.
  • Better mental health.
Direction of usage
1.Remove the major part of the sticker.
2.Attach the foot patch on the sticker. Makesure the part with words is facing the sticker while the porous part is facing your feet.
3.  Remove the minor part of the sticker and fix it on your feet.
4.Let the foot patch stay for 8 – 12 hours. Strongly suggested to be used on at night hence the lympathic system will circulate easier while body remains parallel.
5.  After used, wipe your foot with tissue paper.
Frequency of usage: 2 pcs a day, finish 1 box subsequently after 12 days will be one treatment. Suggested to undergo one treatment every 2-3 months.
According to scientific research and reflexology, you can achieve the result you want based on the placement of foot patch, as shown as in the diagram.

Upper part
Promotes better sleep, headache, nasosinusitis, relief shoulder and neck pain problem.

Middle Part
Reduces water retention(eyes and knees), constipation and varicose veins problems. Most suitable to be used for detoxifying effect.

Lower Part
Reduce menstrual pain, back pain and knee pain.
Ingredients: Bamboo Vinegar, Wood Vinegar, Negative Ions, Tourmaline, Eucalyptus, Agaricus Mushroom, Chitosan, Cornstarch.
A Romantic Shop排毒足贴主要功能:
  • 促进睡眠、舒缓疲劳、改善便秘、口臭及腹胀现象,塑身美体
  • 清除体内杂质、净化血液、改善色斑、痤疮、体臭、足臭
  • 祛除体内湿气,足底或关节部位的压力迅速减轻
  • 活化细胞,肌肤重现健康、亮泽状态,延缓衰老
  • 平衡人体脏器功能,血脂、血压、血糖逐步回复正常
  • 保持健康的免疫系统和促进血液循环。
  • 舒解紧张、呼吸病症及条例荷尔蒙。
  • 提升警惕力、促进活力和器官功能。
  • 提升工作效率和精神集中能力。
  • 舒解困倦、烦恼和沮丧。
3. 将足贴贴在足底,撕掉胶贴上较小部分的背纸,将足贴在足底固定好。
5. 使用后用纸巾擦拭脚底黏贴地方。
研究显示,具有排毒作用的脚底药贴,在解除某些健康状况方面有很高的成功率。只要把A Romantic Shop排毒足贴贴与下图显示的脚底位置(以脚底反射疗法为根据),就可达到想要的效果。

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