Saturday 3 December 2011

Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder Promotion

  • Purchase One Set (RM130) and get one chance to win great prizes including an Ipad2!
  • You will be given a number code for every set purchased. So if you buy 5 set, you will get 5 number code.
  • Use this number code to attend our live lucky draw at , you will be notified for the date and time. (Probably in February)



Top Prize x1:

Ipad 2 = RM1499

Second Prize x10:

My Lovely P Treatment Set (RM350) = RM3500

Third Prize x10:

Forth Prize x20:

Instant Tightening (RM120) = RM2400

Fifth Prize x 30:

Civet Coffee (RM50) = RM1500

Friday 2 December 2011

Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder 芝士粉

Crazy Cheezy Wedges 产品描述

净重量: 125g 的Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder 芝士粉
份量: 大概15份
Cheese浓缩度: 1:4
我们的Crazy Cheezy Wedges酱和知名K牌快餐店的Cheesy Wedges味道一模一样,因为都是来自同一个供应商。
我们把乳酪在高科技压缩下弄成粉状,你可以把一份粉+ 4 份沸水简单方便地制成美味可口的乳酪酱!


我们的Crazy Cheezy Wedges 芝士粉也可以用于烹饪,就算在高温下烹煮也不会把味道淡掉,因为我们用的是真正的乳酪!

为什么你的芝士粉是 1:4浓缩?



Crazy Cheezy Wedges 芝士粉是RM28一罐,西马快邮费是RM8,东马需要RM15。

Crazy Cheezy Wedges Product Description

Net Weight: 125g of pure Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder
Serving Size: Approximately 15 serving
Cheese purity: 1:4
Our Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder taste exactly like K brand cheesy wedges because its from the same supplier.
We use spray dried technology and you can mix 1 part of cheesy wedges sauce powder to 4 parts of hot boiled water.


Real cheese will only melted and taste perfectly with HOT BOILING WATER. We tried using normal water but noticed that HOT BOILING WATER made sauce taste better. We are not MSG and flavouring based powder.
Our Crazy Cheezy Wedges powder can also be used in cooking, even with high temperature it won’t lose its taste because we use real cheese!

Why 1:4?

According to our supplier, they are using mainly real cheese in making this cheezy powder and avoid using more thickeners and flavouring enhancer.
They tried making it 1:2 (1 part of cheese, 2 parts of water) but it don’t taste well unless add more thickeners and flavouring enhancer, so finally they get the golden formula at 1:4 (1 part of cheese, 4 parts of water).

Retailing Price

Crazy Cheezy Wedges is priced at RM28 per bottle. Postage to west malaysia is RM8. East Malaysia RM15.
One set is 5 bottles, RM130 (FREE POSTAGE for whole Malaysia!!!)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Christmas Ecstasy LIMITED EDITION!!

Christmas Ecstasy是我们去年最新研发的费洛蒙香水,它会寄给大脑3层的信息,是非常特别的费洛蒙香水,也非常配合圣诞佳节的场合!

Christmas Ecstasy 是单支装的,content是5ml ,定价RM90包邮(马来西亚). 可以用2-3个月。
Christmas Ecstasy要在12月才会来货,在12月4号我们会把您所定购的Christmas Ecstasy和神秘礼物(如果你是幸运儿),一起寄出!!
所以立刻把Christmas Ecstasy加入购物车!手快有手慢无噢!!

Christmas Ecstasy is our newly developed pheromone perfume last year around Christmas season.
It will send 3 layer of message to others' brain, its a very special pheromone perfume and very suitable for Christmas usage!
Due to its high development cost, we only have 50 bottles available last year, many customers missed the boat so this year we decide to take in 100 bottles, first come first serve!

Christmas Ecstasy comes in single bottle form, RM90 including postage(Malaysia). Content is 5ml.
On top of that, we will choose 50 people out of 100 people to get our mysterious gift, it may be our new product that going to be launched!
I can't tell what is it yet, but I am sure you and your family will like it! If you get this prize, don't be afraid to show it out on our facebook! 
Christmas Ecstasy will reach on Dec, we will send out all the orders on 4th Dec and send together with all the mysterious gift (if you are one of the lucky ones)!
So Add To Bag now to grab a bottle!! It is selling fast!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Soul Mate, All Men's Problems Solve in One Bottle. 男人问题一瓶解决!

Soul Mate, All Men's Problems Solve in One Bottle. 男人问题一瓶解决!

1. 往日的你是否比较容易有性欲?现在就算老婆出尽浑身解数都无法让你有感觉
2. 你容易勃起吗?会快或够坚硬还是需要慢慢刺激才能慢慢勃起
3. 高潮的感觉强烈吗?还是只是要清囊而已,没有特别强烈爽快的感觉
4. 比起以前很Fit的体质,现在会不会容易疲倦和不持久,身材是不是容易走样?
5. 那个。。。好像越来越小和软,好像快退化了!感觉不到它的存在


其实就算天然草本精华,都会有它自己的副作用。可是这样草本精华就完全没有副作用!可是说是上帝赐给我们的壮阳胜品!这个就是我们Soul Mate For Him选用,只能在深山森林里挖掘的珍贵药材- Eurycoma Longifolia Jack-俗称Tongkat Ali。这样东西可以帮助我们提升睾丸激素,没有副作用,而且还可以享受以下的优势:




Hey pals, I want you to think back when you were in the age of around 20 and ask yourself these 5 questions:
1. How was your sex drive back then? Do you get aroused easily?
2. How hard was your erection? Was it spontaneous?
3. And what is the intensity of your orgasm? Was it out-of-this world?
4. Are you lack of stamina and out of your breathe easily nowadays and your body out-of-shaped?
5. Can’t feel the existence of your thing, shrunk in size and soft always?

If you’re like most men, I am pretty sure your answer would be… “well, as far as sex is concerned, it was the best in my life when I was a 20 year old guy”.

In short, your manliness is all controlled and determined by testosterone! It is a hormone that play a strong role in deciding your muscle mass, fat ratio, bone density, sperm quality, sexual ability and sex drive (libido). According to report, a man’s testosterone will be on downhill after age of 25!
If it says women need collagen to maintain their youth then men will need to increase their testosterone or else your sexual ability will be on downhill too!
Let’s imagine if you turn your testosterone up, you and your partner will enjoy sex how many folds compare to now!!
Boosting your testosterone solve everything? Aware of the method you use!
A Natural Herbal Supplement Boosts Your
Testosterone Level …
Restoring it to Youthful Level … with no Side Effects
Yes, now you can enjoy the benefits of a testosterone boost without all the ugly side effects of exogenous testosterone replacement.
Soul Mate uses the best and rare ingredients from lush virgin tropical rainforest – Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) which is a gift from God that can boosts testosterone level without any tiny side effect! Here is the advantage of taking Soul Mate too:
Stronger and more intensity, out-of-the-world orgasm that you should have at least once in your life time!
Longer, harder and more spontaneous erection, no embarrassing moments trying to get it up!
A high sex drive and libido, no complaints from your partner, give her what she deserves until she can’t handle!
Harder and increase in girth, let her feel the sensation and can’t live without you!
Easier to control your ejaculation, means no Premature Ejaculation and can last longer!
Increase your size, increase your self-esteem!
Better sperm quality, means easier in conceiving!
More stamina and vitality, last longer in bed or in life!
Increase bone mineral density, improve body system, prostate health. Maintain health with sexual health at the same time!
A sense of well being, sweep away negative thoughts, feel good about yourself and your life!
Improve cognitive function, more alert in career and driving, peace of mind for your family!
Increase muscle density and decrease fat distribution, increase your own pheromone for own popularity!