Thursday 10 November 2011

Christmas Ecstasy LIMITED EDITION!!

Christmas Ecstasy是我们去年最新研发的费洛蒙香水,它会寄给大脑3层的信息,是非常特别的费洛蒙香水,也非常配合圣诞佳节的场合!

Christmas Ecstasy 是单支装的,content是5ml ,定价RM90包邮(马来西亚). 可以用2-3个月。
Christmas Ecstasy要在12月才会来货,在12月4号我们会把您所定购的Christmas Ecstasy和神秘礼物(如果你是幸运儿),一起寄出!!
所以立刻把Christmas Ecstasy加入购物车!手快有手慢无噢!!

Christmas Ecstasy is our newly developed pheromone perfume last year around Christmas season.
It will send 3 layer of message to others' brain, its a very special pheromone perfume and very suitable for Christmas usage!
Due to its high development cost, we only have 50 bottles available last year, many customers missed the boat so this year we decide to take in 100 bottles, first come first serve!

Christmas Ecstasy comes in single bottle form, RM90 including postage(Malaysia). Content is 5ml.
On top of that, we will choose 50 people out of 100 people to get our mysterious gift, it may be our new product that going to be launched!
I can't tell what is it yet, but I am sure you and your family will like it! If you get this prize, don't be afraid to show it out on our facebook! 
Christmas Ecstasy will reach on Dec, we will send out all the orders on 4th Dec and send together with all the mysterious gift (if you are one of the lucky ones)!
So Add To Bag now to grab a bottle!! It is selling fast!

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