Friday 2 December 2011

Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder 芝士粉

Crazy Cheezy Wedges 产品描述

净重量: 125g 的Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder 芝士粉
份量: 大概15份
Cheese浓缩度: 1:4
我们的Crazy Cheezy Wedges酱和知名K牌快餐店的Cheesy Wedges味道一模一样,因为都是来自同一个供应商。
我们把乳酪在高科技压缩下弄成粉状,你可以把一份粉+ 4 份沸水简单方便地制成美味可口的乳酪酱!


我们的Crazy Cheezy Wedges 芝士粉也可以用于烹饪,就算在高温下烹煮也不会把味道淡掉,因为我们用的是真正的乳酪!

为什么你的芝士粉是 1:4浓缩?



Crazy Cheezy Wedges 芝士粉是RM28一罐,西马快邮费是RM8,东马需要RM15。

Crazy Cheezy Wedges Product Description

Net Weight: 125g of pure Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder
Serving Size: Approximately 15 serving
Cheese purity: 1:4
Our Crazy Cheezy Wedges Powder taste exactly like K brand cheesy wedges because its from the same supplier.
We use spray dried technology and you can mix 1 part of cheesy wedges sauce powder to 4 parts of hot boiled water.


Real cheese will only melted and taste perfectly with HOT BOILING WATER. We tried using normal water but noticed that HOT BOILING WATER made sauce taste better. We are not MSG and flavouring based powder.
Our Crazy Cheezy Wedges powder can also be used in cooking, even with high temperature it won’t lose its taste because we use real cheese!

Why 1:4?

According to our supplier, they are using mainly real cheese in making this cheezy powder and avoid using more thickeners and flavouring enhancer.
They tried making it 1:2 (1 part of cheese, 2 parts of water) but it don’t taste well unless add more thickeners and flavouring enhancer, so finally they get the golden formula at 1:4 (1 part of cheese, 4 parts of water).

Retailing Price

Crazy Cheezy Wedges is priced at RM28 per bottle. Postage to west malaysia is RM8. East Malaysia RM15.
One set is 5 bottles, RM130 (FREE POSTAGE for whole Malaysia!!!)

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